स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा के उपलक्ष मे C-DAC Hyderabad और सी मेट द्वारा एक दिवसीय E Wate Management Training आयोजित की जा रही है। हमारे टेलेग्राम ग्रुप मे आपको ट्रेनिंग से संबन्धित सारी जानकारी मिलेगी।
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Training Date & Time – Schedule
यह ट्रेनिंग 9 फरवरी 2021 को प्रातः 10:00 AM से 01:00 PM तक 3 घंटे की आयोजित की जाएगी। जिसका शैड्यूल इस प्रकार है।
Time | Topic |
10:00 -10:05 | Welcome address by Ms. Lakshmi Eswari, Director, C-DAC, Hyderabad |
10:05 -10:35 | E-waste Management in India – Way Forward Dr. Sandip Chatterjee, Director, MeitY, New Delhi |
10:35 -11:05 | Centre of Excellence on E-waste Management: Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy Perspective. Dr. R. Ratheesh, Director, C-MET, Hyderabad |
11:05 -11:35 | E-waste Management: Opportunities and Challenges. Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Scientist, C-MET Hyderabad |
11.35 -12:00 | Toxicity of Restricted Substances in E-waste. Dr. U. Rambabu, Scientist, C-MET Hyderabad |
12.00 -12:25 | Extended Producer Responsibility for Waste Electronics: Need and Implementation. Dr. Ajay Kaushal, Scientist, C-MET Hyderabad |
12:25 -12:50 | New Challenges in E-waste Management – Recycling of EoL Si Solar Cell Modules. Dr. D. S. Prasad, Scientist, C-MET Hyderabad |
12:50 -12:55 | Concluding Remarks by Dr. Y. Purushotham, Scientist, C-MET, Hyderabad |
12:55 -13:00 | Vote of thanks Sh. M. Jagadish Babu, Project Manager, C-DAC, Hyderabad |
How to Attend E Waste Management Training
YouTube Live Session देखे और ट्रेनिंग attend करे
E Waste Management Training Certificate

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